2.75-inch Breastcollar with Rosette Blood Knots by Martin Saddlery
2 1/4" Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
2.5" Border Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
2 3/4" Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
2.5" Cross Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
1.5" Cross Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
1.5" Tooled Breast Collar by HR Saddles
1 3/4" Rough Out and Buck Stitch Breast Collar
1 3/4" Rough Out and Tassel Breast Collar
2" Rawhide and Floral Tooled Breast Collar
Black Vintage and Rough Out Gladiator Breast Collar by Double J
Buck Stitched Tack Set by Rodeo Drive
Studded Tack Set by Rodeo Drive Concho
2" Basket Stamped Pulling Collar by HR Saddles
Cactus and Hair On Wither Strap
Cheetah Inlay Wither Strap
Tooled with Buckstitching Wither Strap
1 3/4" Rough Out and Buck Stitched Breast Collar
2" Rough Out and Buck Stitched Breast Collar
2 3/4" Natural Rough Out and Buck Stitched Breast Collar